Role of Systemic Approach in Study of International Relations

Oleh: Asep Setiawan – Senior Journalist & Sigid Harimurti – Researcher Bandung Geopolitics Studies

This article discusses systemic approach on study of international relations. Since nation states becoming a platform for modern international relations, several perspective on the  interactions among states raised. Realist perspective emphasizes that balance of power is a corner stone of international system. However liberal perspectives states that interaction among states could not be seen as in a static term but in a continuity process including role of non-state actors. In addition, Marxist or radical perspective emphasizes that international system is structured by capitalist power. In addition, with choosing right level of analysis, implementation of the systemic approach would enrich understanding of international affairs.


Since the nation-states system was formed when the Westphalia 1648 agreement was reached, the relationship between political units was already within the framework of the system. Relationship among states in modern term referred as international relations. The term “relationship” itself has shown there is a perspective of system approach within the interaction itself.