About Us
Bandung Geopolitics Studies is an association for international relations researchers from both academia and practitioners, which focuses on the study of current issues based on a series of historical norms that have shaped Indonesia’s foreign policy image in the international arena.
Bandung Geopolitics Studies was declared at Gedung Merdeka on June 21, 2024, in Bandung, a city that once shook the world through the holding of the Asia-Africa Conference in 1955 and successfully inspired the decolonization movement and the spirit of world peace.
Bandung Geopolitics Studies is a public participation organization that believes geopolitical changes triggered by technological disruption, the nature of the global economy, and the international system with a uni-multipolar face make it imperative for Indonesia to have the skills and agility to overcome these challenges.
Our vision is inspired by the ideals of Indonesia’s first President, H.E. Soekarno, during his speech at the 1960 United Nations General Assembly titled “To Build the World Anew”.
Our mission is to preserve and advance the spirit of the “Ten Principles of Bandung 1955” in facing today’s challenges.
Our objective is to engage in strengthening para-diplomacy initiatives aimed at advancing progress on local, national, and global scales.

Recent Events
Bandung, West Java Indonesia
Bandung Geopolitics Studies held a Seminar on August 16, 2024 at 14.30 WIB at Hampton Coffee & Eatery, Bandung with the title: “Measuring Indonesia-China Trade Relations on the West Java […]

Bandung, West Java
Bandung Geopolitics Studies held a Seminar on July 31, 2024 at 15.00 WIB at Hafa Warehouse with the title: “Measuring Indonesia-China Trade Relations on the West Java Economy”

Bandung, West Java Indonesia
Bandung Geopolitics Studies held a Seminar on July 3, 2024 at 15.00 WIB at Filosofi Kopi Braga with the title: "Position and Orientation of Indonesian Foreign Policy Amidst the Challenges […]

Bandung, West Java Indonesia
Launching of Bandung Geopolitics Studies and Seminary with the title "Pancasila for the World" at Gedung Merdeka, Bandung on the 21st of June 2024. https://www.youtube.com/live/TOp8izqrD-c?si=ER4TNpi4pt1LlE-q&t=1794

Opinions & Publications
Reaktualisasi Sumpah Pemuda
Mendesak: Revitalisasi PBB
Bedi Budiman Berharap Bandung Geopolitical Studies Perkuat Tiga Pilar Kekuatan Bangsa
Sambut Bandung Geopolitik Studies, Sekda Herman: Diisi Anak Muda yang Peduli Diplomasi
Bandung Geopolitik Studies, Think tank Pegiat Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Sekda Herman Suryatman Apresiasi Bandung Geopolitik Studies
Bandung Geopolitics Studies, Wadah Penguatan Peran Daerah dalam Geopolitik Global
Bandung Geopolitics Studies Siap Tampung Aspirasi Publik, Bedi Budiman: Kami Dorong Regulasinya
Executive Boards

Bedi Budiman
Founder and Chairman

Sigid Harimurti

Rizky G Hutama
Managing Director

Tino Sebayang
Research Director

Nina Fitriana
Finance Director

Tresia Wulandari
Communication Director

Yohanes Christian
Media Director
Senior Fellowships

H.E Ambassador Dr.
Pratito Soeharyo

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Dr.
Tb. Hasanuddin

Drs. Teuku Rezasyah,MA., Ph.D